Wild Plants UMD


Wild Plants at UMD

Project Description

This is a research project being run by Sander Schulhoff under Professor Andrew Baldwin. The purpose of the project is to identify 100s of wild plants across the UMD campus in order to better understand the health of the campus ecosystem and engage students in learning about the environment. By wild plants, we mean plants not planted by the university. For inquiries, please contact sschulho@umd.edu.


  • Click on markers below to see different wild plants on campus.
  • You can zoom in and out of the map, and change the map type with the selector at the top right of the map.
  • You are only able add plants if you have an account (for an account, please email Sander Schulhoff).
  • Try finding the fig trees, wild persimmons, mint, and other edibles on campus.
  • Please follow campus guidance on foraging any of these plants, and make sure not to take too many (for every plant collected, there should be at least 20 others left in the population Link).